Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prelude to Key West

I am finding it difficult to get excited about leaving home to go to Key West. I think it is because I love home so much. I love my plants – each one of them like a friend. I love watching the gardens grow. I love the things I have placed around my house. Most of them generate memories of special times and special friends.

I love, of course, my animals. It is so hard to say good-bye to Milo, Buddy, Sammy, and the Tiger cats. I love my rituals. Getting up early. Doing yoga, meditating, having a “picnic” with the kits.

I know I will enjoy Key West but I don’t seem to have that driving desire to go somewhere else that many other people do. Maybe I did when I was younger.

I’m not sure if I feel this way because of apathy or because of happiness! Am I absolutely content or am I in a rut? It sort of depends on your perspective. To an adventurous person I must look like I am stuck in a rut. To someone who lives in a frenzy of stress and activity I may look like I have found peace and serenity. I think, often, that I have. Other times I feel like a little something is missing – a thought buddy perhaps. So how do I know?

I guess the secret is always being content with what is. Or, said another way, accepting what is. What is at the moment. I still struggle with understanding how – if I accept what is – I will ever want to change anything. Even my location.