Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thoughts from a Hotel Room

Good morning, Thought Buddy. This morning as I meditated in a hotel room in Fort Lauderdale surrounded by my sleeping family, I realized that this is what this blog is. A thought buddy. A place to dialogue with my inner self, to explore who I am and what I am thinking.

Meditation is so peaceful, the energy so pleasant. It is like floating in the ocean. You don't always know where the currents will take you. The movement is subtle. When you finally look at the shore you can be surprised to see how far you have travelled.

In my meditations, images often come to mind. Like the play of light on water they are there but then they are gone before I can grasp them with my conscious mind. They seem as real as life but at the same time as illusive as dream fragments.

Often faces appear to me. Sometimes the faces are old. Sometimes they are young - this morning a fleeting glimpse of a baby. Sometimes the faces are stylized like ghosts or old tin type photos. Other times they are like live images but always they pass quickly through my mind. So fleetingly that they feel like faintly recalled memories. But these are not images of people I know – at least not anyone I know in this physical life.

I noticed today that while I can meditate without minding cold or noise or many other distractions it is hard for me to ignore touch. Meditating here on the bed in our Florida hotel room (there really is no other place to be - even the floor is crowded) it was distracting to have my husband role up against me.

When I meditate outdoors in the mornings at home, the many sounds of the neighborhood waking up, animals scurrying around the lawn, even the very noisy sounds of weekly collection of garbage never bother me. Is touch distracting because it brings me in physical contact with another person's energy field, one that is "different" than my own?

Perhaps. But later in my meditation I began to feel the energy outside of my body. I could feel "my" energy flow and merge with all the life energy in the room. I felt that I was sharing the peace and stillness I was experiencing with my loved ones and that I was connecting with the inner stillness inside each of them. There was a different quality to this meditation. Not as deep (yet?) but wider (?) perhaps. It is difficult to describe.

All of this brings me back to the connectedness of everything. We are one conciousness, one fabric of life. If we could grasp and feel and know that we are part of that one fabric, could we lose our sense of "others"? Could we lose our irritation at “them”? Could we set aside our many fears of being found wanting or not good enough if we realized that we are all one?

At the same time, could we rejoice in experiencing the unique human incarnations that we have become in order to live for a time in a material universe? If “we” could do this than I could realize that I don’t really need a thought buddy – I have already created a universe full of them.